Picture for Santa Maria, CA

Local Businesses in Santa Maria, CA

Santa Maria is a city located in Santa Barbara County. The city is famous for its wine industry. Sunset Magazine named Santa Maria "Best Barbecue City in the West." Agriculture plays an essential role in the city's economy. The Santa Maria area is home to a growing number of vineyards, wineries and winemakers.

The agricultural areas surrounding the city are some of the most productive in California, growing staple crops such as strawberries, grapes, celery, lettuce, peas, pumpkin, cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, and beans. Many pastoralists also call the Santa Maria Valley their home.

Other industries have been added to the city's agricultural and retail trade in recent years, including aerospace, communications, high-tech research and development, energy production, and the oil industry.

Local Businesses in Santa Maria
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