Picture for Arroyo Grande, CA

Local Businesses in Arroyo Grande, CA

The earliest inhabitants of the Arroyo Grande Valley were Chumash Indians, who conducted extensive trade with other Native American tribes at a considerable distance.

Arroyo Grande experienced rapid growth in the 1970s and 1980s, partially due to the expansion of the wastewater treatment plant, under an EPA Clean Water Grant that removed a growth constraint. This federal grant program required the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report, which provided much of the initial environmental database for Arroyo Grande.

Median household income in Arroyo Grande is $80,833. The economy of Arroyo Grande, CA employs 8670 people. The largest industries in Arroyo Grande, CA are:

  • Accommodation and Food Services (1,164 people)
  • Health Care and Social Assistance (1,089 people)
  • Educational Services (951 people)

The highest paying industries are:

  • Utilities ($125,338)
  • Public Administration ($80,091)
  • Transportation and Warehousing, and Utilities ($75,456)

Compared to other places, Arroyo Grande has an unusually high number of residents working as Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations, Management Occupations, and Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations.

Local Businesses in Arroyo Grande
Local Businesses in Arroyo Grande (download as PDF)

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